St. Katharine Drexel Parish of Chicago

Rooted in Faith. Strengthened by Love.

2019 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Jesus said to her, “Woman, how does your concern affect me? My hour has not yet come.” – John 2:4

Pastor’s Notes

  • Youth on the Move is back with its highly anticipated Motown Live Fundraiser on Sunday, February 17th at 1 p.m. Tickets for the event will be sold in the vestibule immediately following the Masses this weekend. 
  • The Parish Office will be closed on Monday, January 21st in honor of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday. The office will reopen for regular business hours on Tuesday, January 22nd. 
  • Please listen to Chicago Catholic Radio, 750 am WNDZ every Tuesday from 8:008:30 a.m., when our deacon, John Cook, hosts a weekly program that highlights the Black Catholic community of Chicago. This past week, Fr. Paul was the guest speaking about our parish, St. Katharine Drexel. Listen live or see archives @ Programs/BlackCatholicInitiative/.

Feast of the Baptism of the Lord

Pastor’s Message

  • In today’s bulletin, there are inserts regarding the St. Felicitas “Recognition and Thank You Luncheon” to be held in May 2019. Please read the information and follow the instructions as listed on the handouts. A box to put completed response forms is on the table in the vestibule. Today is the last day to respond! 
  • Youth on the Move is back with its highly anticipated Motown Live Fundraiser on Sunday, February 17th at 1 p.m. Tickets for the event will be sold in the vestibule immediately following the Masses this weekend. 
  • The Parish Office will be closed on Monday, January 21st in honor of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday. The office will reopen for regular business hours on Tuesday, January 22nd.

We Are One Family! Unification Mass

Unification Mass


Pastor’s Message

Here we are about to begin a new year! So many things have happened in the parish and in our families, some good and some not so good, some of which we would rather forget. But God is still on the throne! Those aspects of our lives that were not so good in 2018, we leave behind and move forward into 2019.

Today, as we come together as a parish family under one roof, I thank God for the blessings that He has given us. The “Renew My Church” initiative continues as we move into the final phase: evangelization. Each of us is being called to share the good news of Jesus Christ with others. If the Church is to be relevant in our day and time we need to be about taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ seriously. I will be speaking more about this in the coming months.

I pray that each of you will have a blessed and prosperous New Year! Let us keep one another in prayer. May God bless you!


Fourth Sunday of Advent 2018

Pastor’s Notes

  • Please be mindful of the ChristmasMass schedule that is found in today’s Parish Bulletin! The times for Masses for the next two weeks are located on the schedule. Please invite your family and friends to join us in celebrating Christmas and the various feasts that follow.
  • Next weekend, December 30th, we will come together permanently under one roof. After months of prayer, fellowship, and planning, St. Katharine Drexel parishioners will now worship together. I recognize the anger, disappointment, sadness and other emotions that are present among some, but I am also aware of the hope and even the joy that some people exude at the thought of what God is about to do for us as a new faith community. We, the People of God, are the Church! May God bless us one and all!Let the Church say, Amen!
  • ALL families will receive a special blessing as we gather for the Unification Mass at the St. Ailbe worship-site at10:00 a.m. on the Feast of the Holy Family, December 30th. Families are strongly encouraged to worship together on that day.

Third Sunday of Advent 2018


Pastor’s Message

  • On Sunday, December 23rd, we will celebrate a Unity Mass at 10:00 a.m. at the St. Ailbe worship-site. Mass will not be celebrated at theSt. Felicitas worship-site. Please mark your calendars! The 5:00 p.m. Mass onSaturday, December 22nd will be celebrated as usual.
  • ALL families will receive a special blessing as we gather for the Unification Mass at the St. Ailbe worship-site at 10:00 a.m. on the Feast of the Holy Family, December30th. Families are strongly encouraged to worship together on that day.

Second Sunday of Advent

Pastor’s Message

  • On Saturday, December 15th, a Memorial Mass will be celebrated at 10:00 a.m. at the St. Felicitas worship-site to honor the memory of the Most Rev. Dominic Carmon, retired Auxiliary Bishop of New Orleans who died on November 11th. Bishop Carmon served as Pastor of St. Elizabeth and Our Lady of the Garden Parishes here in the Archdiocese for many years. All are welcome to attend!
  • On Sunday, December 23rd, we will celebrate a Unity Mass at 10:00 a.m. at the St. Ailbe worship-site. Mass will not be celebrated at the St. Felicitas worship-site. Please mark your calendars! The 5:00 p.m. Mass on Saturday, December 22nd will be celebrated as usual.
  • ALL families will receive a special blessing as we gather for the Unification Mass at the St. Ailbe worship-site at 10:00 a.m. on the Feast of the Holy Family, December 30th. Families are strongly encouraged to worship together on that day.

First Sunday of Advent 2018

1st Sunday of Advent

Pastor’s Message

  • There will be a second collection next weekend, December 8-9, at all Masses to support the Religious Retirement Fund. This annual collection helps to support the many consecrated women and men who taught in our schools, worked in hospitals and parishes all for a meager wage. As fewer women and men are entering religious life and because of a lack of able-bodied professed members to support them, their finances are now in jeopardy. Your financial assistance helps to support these women and men who have given their lives to the Church. Thanks in advance for your generosity!
  • On Saturday, December 15th, a Memorial Mass will be celebrated at 10:00 a.m. at the St. Felicitas worship-site to honor the memory of the Most Rev. Dominic Carmon, retired Auxiliary Bishop of New Orleans who died on November 11th. Bishop Carmon served as Pastor of St. Elizabeth and Our Lady of the Garden Parishes here in the Archdiocese for many years. All are welcome to attend!

2018 Feast of Christ the King

Feast of Christ the King

Jesus answered, “My kingdom does not belong to this world. If my kingdom did belong to this world, my attendants would be fighting to keep me from being handed over to the Jews. But as it is, my kingdom is not here.”

– John 18:36

Pastor’s Message

  • Saturday, December 8th is the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, the patroness of our country. It is a holy day of obligation! Mass will be celebrated at 9:00 a.m. in the church at the St. Ailbe worship-site. Please mark your calendars! Note: This Mass does not count for your attendance at Sunday Mass!
  • Baptisms will take place at the St. Ailbe worship-site on Sunday, December 2nd and at the St. Felicitas worship-site on Sunday, December 9th. Please contact the respective parish office to register your child. Parents and/or guardians must be registered members of the parish and at least one Godparent must be a practicing Catholic. If you have any questions, please contact Fr. Paul.

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Give Thanks to the LORD for He is good

  • The Parish Offices at our three worship sites will close at Noon on Wednesday, November 21st and will remain closed through November 25th. The offices will re-open for regular business hours on Monday, November 26th. Please make a note of this!
  • Mass on Thanksgiving Day, November 22nd, will be celebrated at the St. Ailbe worship-site at 10:00 a.m. All parishioners are encouraged to join us as we thank God for blessings received during the past year.
  • Daily Mass on Friday, November 23rd, will not be celebrated in the rectory chapel. The daily Mass will resume on Monday, November 26th.
  • Saturday, December 8th is the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, the patroness of our country. It is a holy day of obligation! Mass will be celebrated at 9:00 a.m. in the church at the St. Ailbe worship-site. Please mark your calendars! Note: This Mass does not count for your attendance at Sunday Mass!

32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Pastor’s Notes

  • There will be a second collection the weekend of November 17th-18th for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development. This collection helps to build up the church through the growth of small businesses while the same time providing jobs and other resources for local communities. Please be generous!
  • The Parish Offices at our three worship sites will close at Noon on Wednesday, November 21st and will remain closed through November 25th. The offices will re-open for regular business hours on Monday, November 26th. Please make a note of this!
  • Mass on Thanksgiving Day, November 22nd, will be celebrated at the St. Ailbe worship site at 10:00 a.m. All parishioners are encouraged to join us as we thank God for blessings received during the past year.

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