Rooted in Faith. Strengthened by Love.

Category: Bulletins Page 2 of 14

2020 Feast of the Baptism of the Lord

Feast of the Baptism of the Lord

January 12, 2020

Pastor’s Notes

  • The Christmas season ends today with the celebration of the Baptism of the Lord. With this feast, Jesus’ public ministry begins. In regards to the liturgical year, the Church returns to “Ordinary Time” until Lent begins. The questions for us become: “How do I immerse myself more deeply in the mystery of God’s love for us? What can I do to express that love for others? Is there something more that God is asking of me that I am not seeing at this moment in time?” As we have just begun a new year and a new decade, let us not be afraid to ask the important questions about our faith. God wants us to go deeper! Are we willing to take the risk? It’s something for us to think about. Have a blessed week!


  • At the 11:00 Mass next Sunday, we will celebrate the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in a special way. You are invited to worship with us that day.


  • The Parish Office will be closed on Monday, January 20th in honor of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day. The office will re-open for regular business hours on Tuesday, January 21st.

2020 Solemnity of the Epiphany of Our Lord

Solemnity of the Epiphany of Our Lord

  • Happy New Year! I hope you had a great holiday celebrations with family and friends. Our liturgies were absolutely beautiful! Thank you to all who came out to worship with us. I would like to extend my thanks to all who helped to enhance our liturgies: the Inspirational Choir and musicians, altar servers, lectors, ushers, Praise Dancers, Sisters in Spirit, Roderick Whitfield and the Environment Team, our deacons, and, of course, you! We could not be a beacon of hope here at the corner of 91st and Stony Island Avenue without you and your wonderful support of our parish and its ministries. As we enter this new year, let us do so with hearts full of gratitude for all that God has done for us and for what God will do. He keeps on blessing us! Let us be blessings one to another!
  • “Faith Sharing” on the Sunday Scriptures will be held in the Imani Room on Wednesday, Jan. 8th at 10 a.m. and at 6:30 p.m. We’re using the text, At Home with the Word.


2019 Feast of the Holy Family Jesus, Mary and Joseph

Feast of the Holy Family Jesus, Mary and Joseph

Pastor’s Notes

  • This feast day of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph marks the first-year anniversary of our parish coming together under one roof. I know there is still sadness among some individuals, but I am grateful to you for “hanging in” there and allowing God to shepherd you in the most difficult times. We have accomplished a lot in our first year and we will continue to do so as we move forward together. Please continue to pray for our well-being as a parish community. May the good Lord bless each of you! Have a happy and blessed New Year! Remember to be safe in all that you do!
  • The Parish Office will close at Noon on New Year’s Eve and will remain closed through January 2nd. The office will resume regular business hours on Friday, Jan. 3rd.
  • Faith Sharing on the Sunday Scriptures will resume on Wednesday, January 8th! Enjoy your holidays!

2019 Fourth Sunday of Advent

Fourth Sunday of Advent

Pastor’s Notes

  • Thanks to all of you who made someone else happy through your participation in the Giving Tree exchange. So many people and organizations rely on the kindness of others at this time of year. I am grateful that the people of St. Katharine Drexel are able to be a blessing to others. Thanks for all that you do to help build up our parish community as well as the community at large. May each of you have a very Merry Christmas!
  • Following the Mass on Sunday, December 29th, we will celebrate Kwanzaa in the Parish Hall. We are in need of food items! The Parish will provide the meat. Please donate side items to help complete the meal. Sign-up sheets are on the table in the narthex. If you are able to donate an item, please sign-up. Thanks in advance for your contribution.
  • The Parish Office will close at Noon on Christmas Eve and remain closed for the rest of the week in observance of the Christmas holiday. The office will re-open for regular business hours on Monday, December 30th. In the case of an emergency, please call the office as usual and let the phone attendant know this and I will then be notified.

2019 Third Sunday in Advent

Third Sunday in Advent


  • The Knights of Peter Claver and Ladies Auxiliary Junior Daughters—Court # 181 is sponsoring a Christmas Bazaar, Bake Sale and Breakfast with Santa on Sunday, December 15th in the Parish Hall from 9:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. The donation is $10.00 for adults and $5.00 for children under 7 years old. Vendors are welcome to participate! Please see the flyer in the bulletin for further information. The proceeds of this event help to defray the costs for our Junior Knights and Daughters to attend their annual conference and convention. Please support them in this fundraising endeavor!
  • Following the Mass on Sunday, December 29th, we will celebrate Kwanzaa in the Parish Hall. We are in need of food items! The Parish will provide the meat. Please donate side items to help complete the meal. Sign-up sheets are on the table in the narthex. If you are able to donate an item, please sign-up. Thanks in advance for your contribution.
  • The Parish Office will close at Noon on Christmas Eve and remain closed for the rest of the week in observance of the Christmas holiday. The office will re-open for regular business hours on Monday, December 30th. In the case of an emergency, please call the office as usual and let the phone attendant know this and I will then be notified.

2019 1st Sunday of Advent

First Sunday of Advent

“So too, you also must be prepared, for at an hour you do not expect, the Son of man will come.” – Mt. 24:44


2019 Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ

The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ,

King of the Universe

The rulers sneered at Jesus and said, “He saved others, let him save himself if he is the chosen one, the Christ of God.” -Luke 23:35

Pastor’s Notes

  • The Catholic Campaign for Human Development second collection will be taken at all Masses the weekend of November 23-24. CCHD is the anti-poverty, social justice program of the U.S. Catholic Church. Please support organizations throughout the Archdiocese that are committed to robust community and economic development for those living on the margins.
  • Please join us for the Parish Tree Trimming Gathering on Saturday, December 7th following the 5:00 Mass. We will gather in the parking lot entrance of the church to trim the tree. Please read the flyer in the bulletin for further details. Come out and enjoy an evening of fellowship as we gather for this festive event!
  • The Anointing of the Sick will be celebrated at all Masses the weekend of December 6-7. Please bring your ill or infirmed family members to church so that they may receive the graces of the sacrament.

2019 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Pastor’s Messages

  • The Feast of Christ the King is celebrated the weekend of November 23-24. This feast concludes the liturgical year, Cycle “C.” On December 1st, we celebrate the First Sunday of Advent. Our Sunday Scriptures will come from Cycle “A” and the weekday Scriptures from Year II. The parish will provide copies of the Book, At Home with the Word that contains the Sunday Scriptures. Copies are limited!
  • The Catholic Campaign for Human Development second collection will be taken at all Masses the weekend of November 23-24. CCHD is the anti-poverty, social justice program of the U.S. Catholic Church. Please support organizations throughout the Archdiocese that are committed to robust community and economic development for those living on the margins.
  • Thanksgiving Day is Thursday, November 28th. Mass will be celebrated in the church at 10 a.m. Please join us as we gather to thank our loving and generous God for the blessings we have received this past year. Daily Mass will not be celebrated in the rectory chapel on Friday, November 29th.

2019 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

“That the dead will rise even Moses made known in the passage about the bush, when he called out ‘Lord, the God of Abraham, the God of Issac, and the God of Jacob'” – Luke 20:37

Pastor’s Notes

  • The Youth on the Move “Masquerade Gala” is Sunday, November 10th, at 4 p.m., at Tuscany Fall Banquets, 9425 W. 191st Street, in Mokena, IL. Remember! The proceeds of this Gala will help to fund the youth mission trip to New Orleans in July 2020. Donations are gratefully accepted if you cannot participate. I look forward to seeing you there!
  • The Parish Office will be closed on Monday, November 11th in observance of Veterans Day. The office will resume regular business hours on Tuesday. The daily Mass will be held in the church as usual on Monday with the school children.
  • There will be a youth Mass on Sunday, November 17th at 1:00 a.m. Our youth will be in charge of the ministries. Please come and support our youth as they share their gifts with us!
  • Thanksgiving Day is Thursday, November 28th. Mass will be celebrated in the church at 10 a.m. Please join us as we gather to thank our loving and generous God for the blessings we have received this past year.

2019 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time

Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time

When he reached the place, Jesus looked up and said, “Zaccheus, come down quickly, for today I must stay at your house.” And he came down quickly and received him with joy! – Luke 19: 5 – 6


Pastor’s Notes

  • Remember! There is only one Mass on Sunday, November 10th at 10 a.m. Please mark your calendar! Everyone is encouraged to support our Youth by attending the Masquerade Gala that same afternoon at 4 p.m. The proceeds from the Gala will be used to assist our Youth as they travel to New Orleans next summer for a service project. If you cannot attend, donations are gratefully accepted!
  • Thanksgiving Day is Thursday, November 28th. Mass will be celebrated in the church at 10 a.m. Please join us as we gather to thank our loving and generous God for the blessings we have received this past year.
  • “Thank You” to all who were faithful in attending one of the Masses each weekend during the month of October. The average attendance for our parish was considerably down, given the fact that we are now under one roof. As I’ve stated before, these counts are very important. I encourage you to make every effort to be in church on the weekend. God misses you when you’re away, and so do we!


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