Rooted in Faith. Strengthened by Love.

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Pastor’s Message Sixth Sunday of Easter May 9th, 2021

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

I am inviting you to join us on Sunday, May 9, as we celebrate the Mass of the Sixth Sunday of Easter and honor all mothers on Mother’s Day.  The Mass will be celebrated at 10:15 a.m.   You may participate in-person or via Zoom or Facebook Live.
​You may participate via the livestream on the Parish’s Facebook Page, St. Katharine Drexel Parish of Chicago, by “clicking” on this link:  ​
For those who do not have internet access, you may dial the following telephone number using Free Conference Call.  The dial-in number is 1 (978) 990-5000.  The access code is 883420.
Please share this information with your families, friends and co-workers.  We welcome their participation in our liturgy!

As a reminder:

You may register for in-person worship on the Sign-up Genius link,, or you may call the parish office.  There are only 50 seats available in the church due to social distancing, so registration is on a first-come, first-serve basis.  Since it is Mother’s Day, the 50-person limit on Mass attendance will be “waived” so that people may be able to worship with their mothers.

Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers!  Have a great weekend!

Fr. Paul, O.P.


2021 Stations of the Cross March 19th

Participate in the Stations of the Cross, March 19th, 2021
The Stations will be prayed in-person in the Church at 3:30 p.m. and via Zoom at 7:00 p.m.  If you attend in-person, please wear a face covering, sanitize your hands, and sign-in when you arrive.  For those who participate via Zoom, the link is below.  The script for the evening Stations is “Stations of the Cross: Overcoming Racism”.  You are encouraged to make these meditations a part of your Lenten journey.

Time: 7:00 PM Central Time
Mar 19, 2021

Click on this link to join Zoom meeting:

Meeting ID: 882 4995 5594
Passcode: 359570

Dial-in number
1 312 626 6799
​    ​​​
Meeting ID: 882 4995 5594
Passcode: 359570

Pastor’s Message September 24, 2020

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Greetings!  I hope you are doing well.  Last weekend we officially opened the church for in-person worship after being closed for several months due to the pandemic.  We had a good crowd.  Thank you to all who worshiped with us.
I am inviting you to participate in the Mass for the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time.  The Mass will be live-streamed at 10:15 a.m. on the parish’s Facebook page, St. Katharine Drexel Parish of Chicago.  Just “click” on the following blue/purple link that takes you directly to our Facebook page:
If you do not have internet access, you may participate in the Mass by dialing our toll-free teleconference number:  1 (978) 990-5000.  The access code is 883420.
Please forward this information to your ministry partners, family and friends who may be looking for a community to worship with on Sunday.  I welcome their participation in our liturgy!
Reminders / Announcements:
Registration for next weekend’s Masses, Oct. 3-4, opens on Monday at 8:30 a.m. and closes on Thursday at 6:00 p.m.  Please register on the sign-up genius,, or you may call the parish office.  There are only 47-50 seats due to social distancing, so registration is on a first-come, first serve basis.
The Parish Office has re-opened for business on a part-time basis.  The office is open on the following days and times:  Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 8 a.m. until 1 p.m.  Should you need to contact us, please do so.  These hours are in effect through the end of October.
If you have a new address, telephone number or email address, please let us know asap.  This will help us greatly as we continue to update our records.
Daily Mass (Mon-Fri) will begin in the church on Monday, September 28 at 8:30 a.m. for social distancing purposes.  You do not have to register in advance.  A sign-up sheet will be available for you to sign your name and phone number.
Our Midweek Prayer and Praise Service via teleconference has resumed.  Join us on Wednesday, September 30 at 6:45 p.m.  The call-in number is the same as the telephone number listed above for the Sunday Mass.
Let us continue to pray for one another in these difficult times.  Know that Fr. Herb and I keep you in our daily prayers!
Fr. Paul Whittington, O.P.

August 12th Update from Fr. Paul Whittington, O.P.

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
I hope you’re having a good week and that this communication finds you in good health!  Below, I share with you information about our weekly prayer service as well as other information and reminders.  Please be attentive to the information.
Please join me tomorrow, Wednesday, August 12, at 6:45 p.m., for our Midweek Prayer and Praise Service via teleconference as we prepare to celebrate the liturgy for the 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time.  The Scripture readings are found in the text, At Home with the Word, on pages 112-113.  If you do not have the text, the Scriptures are:  Isaiah 56: 1, 6-7; Romans 11: 13-15, 29-32; and Matthew 15: 21-28.  Please read the Scriptures in advance if you have a chance.
The dial-in number is:  1 (978) 990-5000.  The access code is:  883420.
I look forward to your participation in our service!
After submission of paperwork to reopen the church for Phase 1, we have been certified to reopen.  This means that funerals, weddings and baptisms may now be celebrated in the church for a limited number of attendees.  At the present time, there are no baptisms or weddings scheduled, but funerals of parishioners may now take place.  Please remember to call the church first before making arrangements with a funeral home, especially if you intend the service to be held in the church.  Parishioners will be informed when we are certified for Phase 2 which allows for attendance at Mass on Sundays and weekdays.
St. Ailbe School is now registering students for the 2020/21 academic year.  As of this writing, the year begins with in-person classes.  Parents may also opt for remote learning.  The school office is open Monday-Friday from 9 am – 12 noon if you wish to speak with a school representative.  The academic year begins on Tuesday, September 8.  Please call (773) 734-1386 for further information.
Also, the school roof will be replaced in the next few weeks.  After several years of water entering the building, the Archdiocese and Big Shoulders are footing the bill to cover the bulk of the masonry and roofing expenses.  I am happy to say that SKD Parish was able to contribute $25,000 to this project.  I thank God that we were able to assist in some small way!  By the way, the church roof will receive an aluminum coating seal designed to prevent the minor leaks that we have in our building.  This will take place after the school roof is completed.
Dr. Richard Watson and the EmergeMed Team will conduct Covid-19 antibody screenings in the church parking lot on Friday, Aug. 14 from 1-5 pm and on Saturday, Aug. 15 from 9 am-1 pm.  For further information, please contact Dr. Watson at (312) 206-1064.  I will attach a separate flyer as Dr. Watson will be speaking live on the parish’s Facebook page on Wednesday, Aug. 12 at 7:30 pm.  You are welcome to tune in.
Finally, I have two public service announcements.  Make sure you complete the 2020 Census and if you are not registered to vote, please do so!  Both of these issues are important to our community.  Please make sure that you are counted and that your voice is heard!
Enough said for now!  Have a wonderful evening!

Fr. Paul Whittington, O.P.

2nd Sunday of Easter 2020 – Divine Mercy Sunday LiveStream

Divine Mercy Sunday

The Catholic Church throughout the world continues to celebrate the Octave of Easter.  The Easter celebration concludes on Sunday, April 19, the Second Sunday of Easter, also referred to as Divine Mercy Sunday.  The Scriptures for Sunday are:  Acts 2: 42-47; 1 Peter 1: 3-9; and John 20: 19-31. (Please read and reflect on them in advance if you have a chance.)

My purpose in writing is to remind you that the Mass for Sunday, April 19, will again be live-streamed on the parish’s Facebook page, St. Katharine Drexel Parish of Chicago at 10:15 a.m.  You must have Facebook in order to comment during the Mass.
If you do not have internet accessibility, you may participate via teleconference by calling our toll-free number.  The number is: 1 – (978) 990-5000.  The access code is:  883420.  Should you get a busy signal or a message saying there are technical difficulties, please continue dialing back until you get connected.
I look forward to this opportunity to once again connect with you!  Thank you for the words of encouragement or expressions of gratitude for bringing the Word of God home to you through our media ministry.  I am delighted that we were able to reach so many at Easter!  Please continue to share with your family and friends that St. Katharine Drexel is alive and well!
May God continue to bless each of you as we “shelter-in-place”!  In your prayers, please remember all who are ill from the COVID-19 virus, those who are struggling with other illnesses,  all healthcare workers and medical technicians, all first responders, foodcare workers, truck drivers and all who are assisting us through this crisis.  Let us remember those who have lost their jobs and are experiencing difficulty paying bills; let us pray for our young people, especially students who are adjusting to a new way of learning and being; let us pray for the faithful departed, especially our loved ones and friends and all who mourn their loss, and finally, let us pray for all who feel alone and/or abandoned, especially those whom society make us think are unimportant.  May they experience the abiding presence of God this day.
Let us pray:  Our  Father and our God, we thank you for this day for the many blessings that You have given us.  Hear the prayers that we offer in your Name.  Bless us and all whom we commend to You.  We know that you are aware of what is already on our hearts and minds.  We lift these our prayers to You.  Give us peace, compassion and an understanding heart so that we may have the courage to face all people and situations that come our way.  We bless and praise You for You are God all by Yourself!  We make this prayer in your Name.  Amen.
Have a blessed weekend!
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Paul Whittington, O.P.


2020 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time – World Marriage Day

Pastor’s Notes

  • Leaders of all parish ministries are asked to attend a meeting with Fr. Paul on Tuesday, February 11th at 7 pm. In the Imani Room. There are several important matters that need to be discussed. Please be on time!
  • Congratulations to the following honorees of this year’s Archbishop James P. Lyke African American Male Image Awards: Al Davis, Deacon Roscoe Dixon, Roland Royal, Jean Voltaire and college scholarship recipients: Nicholas Amuh, Andre Johnson and Elijah Pierre-Toussaint. These men will receive their awards on Sunday, February 23rd at a 2 p.m. luncheon at Georgios Banquets. The ticket donation is $50. Please support the Knights of Peter Claver, Ladies Auxiliary Court #181 in their annual fundraiser. See any of the honorees or Dedra Delaney to purchase tickets.
  • The First Sunday of Lent is March 1st. There is only one Mass that day at 10 a.m. Bishop Joseph Perry is the celebrant and preacher for the day. Please mark your calendar!
  • The Annual Catholic Appeal is about to begin. This is the fundraising activity that the Archdiocese sponsors annually to support its various ministries. All parishioners are asked to make a financial commitment in support of this effort. The commitment weekend is Feb. 15-16. Thanks in advance for your generosity!

Information about the Life Celebration of Pastor Fr. Lawrence Duris


Visitation and Funeral Arrangements for Fr. Lawrence “LD” Duris are as follows:

Tuesday 02/27/2018
10:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m.
At St. Ailbe Catholic Church
9015 South Stony Island Ave., Chicago, IL

Wednesday 02/28/2018
Visitation 9:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Mass 11:00 a.m.
At St. Ailbe Catholic Church
9015 South Stony Island Ave., Chicago, IL

Repast Reception Immediately Following the Internment

Give More Than You Receive!

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time – November 19, 2017

Give More Than You Receive!

How productive are you? How industrious and creative are you? We would all like to think that we get high marks in all these categories.The parable of the three servants Jesus tells to-day in our Gospel reading causes us to take a second look. The Story is familiar: one received five thousand, one two thousand and the third one thousand. Two doubled what they were given, the third buried the money in the ground and gave it back untouched!What is the message for us? It’s not about winning or losing, or making the most money. It’s about using our gifts  our time, talent and treasure for the building up of God’s Kingdom. It’s about overcoming the fear of failure, being willing to take risks for the right reasons, extending ourselves for the sake of others. In this way, the treasures of God’s grace will be multiplied by our faithful service!

Many Are Called Few Are Chosen

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time, October 15, 2017

Many Are Called But Few Are Chosen!

Doesn’t this sound like some kind of trap, or trick? If you are called, are you not also chosen?

Today’s parable, like others we have been hearing from week to week, are about God’s Kingdom. Yes, we believe that all receive the invitation to be a part of God’s Kingdom and join in the heavenly banquet.

The parable describes the choices we make. Some were busy about other things. Others did not think the invitation was all that important. They discover ultimately the consequences of their choices. Others will receive the invitation they refused, and they will be locked out.

Then there is the matter of the “newly invited guest” from off the street who is found to not be properly dressed. What does this mean? Precisely that it is not enough to just accept the invitation. You have to do something to prepare yourself to join the heavenly banquet!

We join today in the heavenly banquet as we are invited to the altar. Are we prepared?

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