Divine Mercy Sunday

The Catholic Church throughout the world continues to celebrate the Octave of Easter. The Easter celebration concludes on Sunday, April 19, the Second Sunday of Easter, also referred to as Divine Mercy Sunday. The Scriptures for Sunday are: Acts 2: 42-47; 1 Peter 1: 3-9; and John 20: 19-31. (Please read and reflect on them in advance if you have a chance.)
My purpose in writing is to remind you that the Mass for Sunday, April 19, will again be live-streamed on the parish’s Facebook page,
St. Katharine Drexel Parish of Chicago at
10:15 a.m. You
must have Facebook in order to comment during the Mass.
If you do not have internet accessibility, you may participate via teleconference by calling our toll-free number. The number is: 1 – (978) 990-5000. The access code is: 883420. Should you get a busy signal or a message saying there are technical difficulties, please continue dialing back until you get connected.
I look forward to this opportunity to once again connect with you! Thank you for the words of encouragement or expressions of gratitude for bringing the Word of God home to you through our media ministry. I am delighted that we were able to reach so many at Easter! Please continue to share with your family and friends that St. Katharine Drexel is alive and well!
May God continue to bless each of you as we “shelter-in-place”! In your prayers, please remember all who are ill from the COVID-19 virus, those who are struggling with other illnesses, all healthcare workers and medical technicians, all first responders, foodcare workers, truck drivers and all who are assisting us through this crisis. Let us remember those who have lost their jobs and are experiencing difficulty paying bills; let us pray for our young people, especially students who are adjusting to a new way of learning and being; let us pray for the faithful departed, especially our loved ones and friends and all who mourn their loss, and finally, let us pray for all who feel alone and/or abandoned, especially those whom society make us think are unimportant. May they experience the abiding presence of God this day.
Let us pray: Our Father and our God, we thank you for this day for the many blessings that You have given us. Hear the prayers that we offer in your Name. Bless us and all whom we commend to You. We know that you are aware of what is already on our hearts and minds. We lift these our prayers to You. Give us peace, compassion and an understanding heart so that we may have the courage to face all people and situations that come our way. We bless and praise You for You are God all by Yourself! We make this prayer in your Name. Amen.
Have a blessed weekend!
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Paul Whittington, O.P.