Rooted in Faith. Strengthened by Love.

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It is the End of Satan!

Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

It Is The End Of Satan Satan is often comically portrayed as a guy in a red devil suit. As a “nonexistent” force in people’s lives, Satan is free to influence them with being discovered as the cause of many of our problems. However, the Bible says that Satan is a beautiful and powerful fallen angel, who would like to do nothing more than take away the joy of Christians through deception and lead people into rebellion against God. Although Satan is destined for the Lake of Fire, biblical prophecy indicates that he will deceive entire nations and kingdoms before he is relegated to eternal damnation, along with the other fallen angels he led into rebellion against God.

Jesus replied, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you. However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.”

My Body and My Blood – Given for You and For Many!

Feast of Corpus Christi

Eat My Body —Given For You; Drink My Blood — Shed For You!

What most distinguishes us as Catholic Chris-tians? It is when we gather, week by week, around the Table of the Lord to celebrate the timeless Last Supper Meal! It is not just what we do here in the house of the Lord, but what this meal calls us to do and be all week long.

Having been invited to this feast, we celebrate God’s gracious love. We present to the Father the most perfect gift – the Body and Blood of His Son. God graciously shares the gift with us in Communion. We approach the table with profound reverence, awed that despite our unworthiness we are still invited to the feast. We come away with new strength, which gives us hope to face the challenges of life. We leave with inexpressible joy, a joy we are called to carry to our homes, our workplace, our work-place, our world!

The Blessed Three In One!

Most Holy Trinity

The Blessed Three In One!

God the Father. God the Son. God the Holy Spirit. Who do you pray to? All Three?

No, this is not about some religious “multiple choice!” At the core of our Catholic Faith is a mystery: The mystery of Three Persons in One God The Holy Trinity!

While we can never totally grasp or experience the reality of God in this life, divine revelation opens doors to us to more fully appreciate what at the deepest level we long for. . . the Divine!

The Trinity is for us the model of perfect Community. . . Three persons so much in love with one another that they are in fact one! It is about being focused on the other, living for others. In this framework of reality, we were born again in Baptism…In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. We are called to model The Blessed Three In One!

Empowered by the Holy Spirit!

Pentecost Sunday!

Empowered By The Holy Spirit!

The promise of Jesus, to send the Holy Spirit, is fulfilled today, on this day we call Pentecost.

The sending of the Spirit upon the followers of Jesus so changed them and their focus that we now call this day the Birthday of the Church!

They were empowered with the gifts of the Spirit and began to spread the Good News, a Good News that broke through language and culture. The mission is now ours — with the Holy Spirit, to renew the face of the earth!

I Am With You Always

Feast of the Ascension of the Lord

I Am With You Always!

Transformation! What “transformative” moments do you remember in your life? The first day of School? First Communion or Confirmation? Graduation? Your first job? Moving out on your own? Wedding Day? Your first child? The death of a parent or sibling? The list is long for most of us!

This Ascension Day is a transformative moment for the disciples of Jesus, and for all of us who aspire to follow in their footsteps! They had already experienced the “whirlwind” of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus. When they meet Him on the mountain, they worship him, but still have lingering doubts.

Now, just as the reality of his resurrected presence has begun to sink in, he is lifted up before their eyes. He charges them to go out and make disciples of all nations. His assurance to them: I am with you always, until the end of the age. He is still with us in this age!

A New Commandment: Love One Another

Sixth Sunday of Easter

A New Commandment: Love One Another!

How should you Love? Who is your model? How do you really learn to love?

Jesus gives us the answer to these questions in today’s Gospel: “A New Commandment: Love One Another!”

His instruction from the Last Supper discourse has much more to say to us: “As the Father has loved me, so I also have loved you. Remain in my love. I have told you this do that my joy may be in you and your joy may be complete.”

“No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you.”

“It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit that will remain… This I command you: love one another.”

I Am the Vine and You are the Branches

Fifth Sunday of Easter

Remain in Me and Bear Fruit!

Connected! It’s important to be connected. What connections do you have? Who are you connected to?!

In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells us: “I AM THE TRUE VINE!” Through Jesus, we are connected to the Father and Divine Life. He is the vine, we are the branches. Without him, we can do nothing. Connected to him, we will bear much fruit?!This experience of being connected happens within the family of the Church, where we are connected to God and to one another, like branches to the vine!!

Together, we will bear much fruit!!

You Are Witnesses of These Things

Third Sunday of Easter

Lord, You Know That I Love You!

Where do you expect to find Jesus? Where and to whom does he appear?

We continue to hear today from the “Resurrection Stories,” the scriptural accounts of the appearances of the Risen Christ. He continues to surprise his followers, appearing sometimes when they least expect him. “It is the Lord!”

Today’s passage from John tells the story of Jesus preparing breakfast for his followers on the shore. It includes a miraculous catch of fish, which they can barely haul ashore. The passage concludes with the encounter between Peter and Jesus: “Peter, do you love me more than these?” He is asked three times, and three times responds, “Lord, you know that I love you.” And Jesus challenged him to “feed my Sheep!” We are asked the same question and given the same challenge as Peter: “Follow me!”

Blessed Are Those Who Have Not Seen But Believe

Second Sunday of Easter

Christ Is Risen!

Rise from the Dead! What does it really mean to RISE FROM THE DEAD?

While the answer seems so obvious, the reality is almost beyond belief! Many times when Jesus would predict his passion and death, AND RISING FROM THE DEAD, his disciples would wonder and discuss among themselves what this might mean.

We profess to believe in the RESSURECTION FROM THE DEAD, arising to a new and never-ending life with a perfect body that is beyond all imagining! As the Gospel Resurrection stories attest, it would take awhile before his followers would grasp the reality of the Resurrection and allow it to change their lives. Once it did, they lost fear and began to go out to spread the Good News of Jesus!

Have we yet grasped what the Resurrection fully means? Once we do, we too will be able to lose our fear to go out and Spread the Good News of Jesus! This is what New Life and Easter Joy are all about! 

Christ Is Risen!

Easter Sunday

Rise from the Dead! What does it really mean to RISE FROM THE DEAD?

While the answer seems so obvious, the reality is almost beyond belief! Many times when Jesus would predict his passion and death, AND RISING FROM THE DEAD, his disciples would wonder and discuss among themselves what this might mean.

We profess to believe in the RESSURECTION FROM THE DEAD, a rising to a new and never-ending life with a perfect body that is beyond all imagining! As the Gospel Resurrection stories attest, it would take awhile before his followers would grasp the reality of the Resurrection and allow it to change their lives. Once it did, they lost fear and began to go out to spread the Good News of Jesus!

Have we yet grasped what the Resurrection fully means? Once we do, we too will be able to lose our fear to go out and Spread the Good News of Jesus! This is what New Life and Easter Joy are all about! 

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