The Blessed Three In One! How is this possible? What does it mean? What does it tell us?We celebrate today the mystery of Three persons in One God. While we claim this to by a mystery, its reality does not totally escape our experience, but rather calls us into a new and different experience, a new and different way of living!The Trinity is about the power of life and love that is beyond all imagining. The Father is so full of dynamic life and love that His very Word is a Person  the Son! The love and communication between the Father and the Son is so intense that it is a Person  the Spirit!The Holy Trinity becomes for a the model and ideal of the perfect community we strive for: three persons so united in love and purpose that in fact they are ONE!As we celebrate Father’s Day this Weekend, we appropriately look to the Holy Trinity not only for Divine Strength, but as a model to reach for: To live and love so closely together that we achieve the Unity we long for!