Pastor’s Message
- On Saturday, December 15th, a Memorial Mass will be celebrated at 10:00 a.m. at the St. Felicitas worship-site to
honor the memory of the Most Rev. Dominic Carmon, retired Auxiliary Bishop of New Orleans who died on November 11th. Bishop Carmon served as Pastor of St. Elizabeth and Our Lady of the Garden Parishes here in the Archdiocese for many years. All are welcome to attend! - On Sunday, December 23rd, we will celebrate a Unity Mass at 10:00 a.m. at the St. Ailbe worship-site. Mass will not be celebrated at the St. Felicitas worship-site. Please mark your calendars! The 5:00 p.m. Mass on Saturday, December 22nd will be celebrated as usual.
- ALL families will receive a special blessing as we gather for the Unification Mass at the St. Ailbe worship-site at 10:00 a.m. on the Feast of the Holy Family, December 30th. Families are strongly encouraged to worship together on that day.