Rooted in Faith. Strengthened by Love.

Category: Special News

2020 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I am inviting you to participate in the Mass for the 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time.  There is a “word” from the Lord tomorrow!  The Mass will be live-streamed at 10:15 a.m. on the parish’s Facebook page, St. Katharine Drexel Parish of Chicago.  Remember!  You do not have to subscribe to Facebook in order to celebrate with us.  Just “click” on the following link that takes you directly to our Facebook page:

If you do not have internet access, you may participate in the Mass by dialing our toll-free teleconference number:  1 (978) 990-5000.  The access code is:  883420.
Please forward this information to your ministry partners, family and friends who may be looking for a community to worship with on Sunday.  I welcome their participation in our liturgy!
Reminders / Announcements:
The Parish Office has reopened for business on a part-time basis.  The office is open on the following days and times:  Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 8 a.m. until 1 p.m.  Should you need to contact us, please do so.  These hours are in effect through the end of September.  Of course, the office will be closed on Labor Day, September 7 and will reopen for business on Wednesday, Sept. 9.
If you have a new address, telephone number or email address, please let us know asap.  Likewise, if you wish to have your name deleted from the parish database, please let us know that as well.  This will help us greatly as we continue to update our records.
We will resume our Midweek Prayer and Praise Service via teleconference on Wednesday, September 9 at 6:45 p.m.  The call-in number is the same as the telephone number listed above for the Sunday Mass.  Another reminder will be sent on Tuesday.
Let us continue to pray for one another in these difficult times.  Prayer does work!  I leave you with the following prayer: “Loving God, hear the prayers of your people who turn to You in these difficult times seeking Your guidance, love, mercy and peace.  Hear our prayers we pray.  Keep us close to You for we know that You are always with us.  Guide and direct our every step this day for we make our prayer in Your Name. Amen.”
Have a blessed, happy and safe Labor Day weekend!  Know that Fr. Herb and I keep you in our daily prayers!
Fr. Paul Whittington, O.P.

An Important Message From Pastor Fr. Paul Whittington

An Important Message From

Pastor Fr. Paul Whittington

Sunday March 22nd, 2020

Dear Deacons, Parish Leaders and Parishioners,

First, I want to say that I miss you terribly!  I hope you and your families are well.  I’ve been thinking of and praying for you.  May God continue to cover you in these trying times!  Remember!  This period of time in which we’re living is temporary.  We’ll get through this eventually!   Know that God is able!  I look forward to the day when our worshipping community will be able to resume.  Until then, let us continue to pray for one another.

Secondly, as I’m sure you know by now, Holy Week and Easter services will not be celebrated at the parish this year due to the coronavirus pandemic.  The Archdiocese will be streaming the liturgies of Holy Week from Holy Name Cathedral for those who wish to view them online.  I’m sure further information will be forthcoming from the Vicar General.  If/when I receive it, I will share it with you.

In a previous communication, I shared that the rectory chapel would be available for private prayer Monday through Friday.  Unfortunately, this is no longer available as a result of the Governor’s “shelter-in-place” mandate that is effective through April 7.  All churches, chapels, schools and other parish buildings must be locked until the order is lifted.  In addition, funerals and wakes must be postponed.  As I say this, two of our parishioners have made their transition in the last 24 hours.  The families will have to work out details with funeral homes.  I do not wish to share the family names without the loved ones’ permission.  There may be a backlog of funerals once this is all over.  Also, the parish office will be closed until Apri7 due to the Governor’s mandate.  You may still call the rectory with any emergencies!

On another note, I had a wonderful teleconference with members of KPC Ladies Auxiliary Court # 181 this afternoon.  I am looking into the possibility of obtaining a free teleconference number so that I may keep in contact with you during this time.  We will have the opportunity to have prayer, emergency meetings, etc., given this capability.  I’ll keep you posted!

Finally, without our in-person gatherings for worship each weekend, we are unable to collect tithes/offerings.  I am asking, if you’re able, to mail in your offering to the parish or drop it in the mail slot at the rectory.  We have to continue to pay bills.  Please do not mail any contributions to the Archdiocese!  It is often difficult for us to get these contributions when we need them for parish use.  I am grateful, as always, for your financial support of the parish!

This Lent is for many of us quite challenging:  physically, mentally, emotionally, and, for some, spiritually.   And yet, I remain confident that “eye has not seen nor ear heard what God has prepared for those who love Him” (1 Corinthians 2: 9).  As we prepare ourselves for the celebration of Easter, I pray that you remain joyful and hopeful.  The news that we hear or read daily can leave us feeling anxious, depressed, fearful and so on, but I believe that God is preparing each of us for something greater.  We are going to be bolder, stronger, more faith-filled and committed than ever after this pandemic is over.  I am believing God in this!  I encourage you to “hang in there”!  Remain prayed up and don’t forget to look after and remain connected to your family and parish family!  May God bless each of you!

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Fr. Paul Whittington, O.P.

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