Rooted in Faith. Strengthened by Love.

Category: Bulletins

Be Tempted By the Spirit, Not By the World!

First Sunday of Lent, March 5, 2017

Be tempted by the Spirit? How can you by “tempted by the Spirit?” What Spirit?

Today’s Gospel story from Matthew tells us: “At that time Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil.” Why would the Spirit lead Jesus in to a situation where He would be tempted? Weren’t we all taught to avoid situations that would lead us into temptation?

While it is true that we need to avoid “evil-tempting situations and environments,” there is no way to avoid the encounters we call temptations. What we can do, though, is fortify ourselves to first of all recognize the temptations for what they are, and secondly be strong enough not to fall into their traps.

Jesus was fortified with the  power of the Spirit after spending forty days in prayer and fasting. As a result the Spirit was far more “tempting” than anything the devil could offer to pretend to offer. This Lenten Season, fortify yourself with the power of the Spirit! That is what our Lenten discipline of Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving is all about!

Time To Believe!

Easter amazement! The events of Easter Sunday are beyond comprehension, especially for those who were witnesses of the spectacle of Good Friday!

During these six weeks of the Easter season we continue to hear the accounts of the risen Christ appearing to his followers. At the tomb, in the upper room, at the inn at Emmaus, on the beach, it still seems too good to be true!

Today’s Gospel takes us to the upper room where the Last Supper was celebrated. We find the apostles on Easter Sunday night behind locked doors, and again a week later in the same place, this tie with Thomas present. The apostle Thomas expresses where we often find ourselves, at first skeptical or incredulous, having to see things for ourselves, only to be brought to our knees with the reality of God’s power and love for us! What else can we say, but “My Lord and My God!”

2016 Holy Week & Easter: The Celebration Continues

Easter Sunday – Glorious Day and fitting conclusion to the Holy Week Journey! We are most grateful to God and to all of the leaders and members of our Saint Ailbe Church Family for making possible a wonderful, spirit-filled Holy Week Journey and Easter Celebration possible! Many people commented that our entire Holy Week Journey this year, from Palm Sunday and through Holy Thursday, Good Friday and the Easter Celebrations were very spirit-filled and inspirational for them and their family members. We are especially grateful to Archbishop Blase Cupich for leading us in our Easter Sunday 11:00 AM Mass. He expressed how he was moved by the energy and spirit here!

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