24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Catechetical Sunday: Enlisting Witnesses for Jesus Christ
- The Angelic Choir will rehearse Sundays, September 16th and 23rd.
- September 27: Healing Service, 7:00 p.m. at St. Ailbe Parish. (Fr. Jim Marchionda, O.P. and Sr. Ann Willits, O.P. will conduct a healing service for all parish sites as we release and let go of the pain, hurt, feelings of loss, etc., as we continue our transition as a new faith community – This is not a sacramental anointing service!)
- Thank you to all who supported the KPC Inter-Council Luncheon honoring Bishop Joseph Perry on his 20th anniversary of Episcopal Ordination. The winner of the 50/50 raffle was Mardell Moffett who came away with $250.00. The proceeds from the luncheon, $3,343.93, were donated to the Cause for Canonization of Fr. Augustus Tolton. Thank you to Norma Mullon and her committee for their hard work. It was an enjoyable event!