Feast of Christ the King – November 26th, 2017

When Did We See You In Need?

Jesus Christ is King!

What does that mean for all of us? What is our concept of King? On this last Sunday of the Church Liturgical Year, we celebrate the Feast of Christ Jesus as Universal King. For Chris-tians who profess to making Christ the center of our lives, calling Jesus “King” is not a radical concept. The question remains, though, about what this calls us to do, how it calls us to live day by day.The answer about how we are to live is found in the Gospel story today of the Last Judgment. All of humanity is separated into two groups. Those on the right go off to eternal glory, those on the left to eternal misery and shame. How did the victorious achieve glory for themselves? Quite simply, Jesus says, by living for others. “Whatever you did for the least of my brothers and sisters, you did it for me!” The challenge of responding to and meeting one another’s needs is our path to salvation and glory! Look out for one another’s needs!