23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Responsible for what? Death? The message from the prophet Ezekiel in today’s first reading is certainly startling. In an age when it is seen as fashionable and safe by some to not get involved in the lives of others, the message we hear from the Scriptures is certainly the opposite.Our theme today challenges us to get involved, be involved, take responsibility for the wellbeing of one another. In today’s Gospel message from Matthew Jesus instructs his disciples, and us, to step forward responsibly as reconcilers, not quickly giving up on each other.The message is timely as we end the Summer Season and move into a new year of activities and challenges at work, at school, at Church and in our Communities, and begin the Renew My Church Planning Process. What we are able to accomplish with our hands, our minds and spirits is more than physical things. It is about bringing together a new world order, God’s Kingdom, through the responsible use of our time, talent and treasure. In this effort we are not alone. Jesus in in our midst!