First Sunday of Advent

Be Watchful! Be Alert!

Advent! A New time. A new Season. As Catholic Christians, we begin the New Year early, as we take time to prepare for Christ’s coming: Emmanuel: God With Us!

In our culture, this is a busy time. Many have already begun getting ready for the “Holiday Season.” We, too, see this as a time to prepare, get ready, but ready in a more holistic way!

The Scriptures today point to the end of time, the Second Coming of Christ. The mood they set is one of watchfulness and vigilance, not fear or tension.

During this season we actually celebrate the three comings of Christ: IN HISTORY… the Incarnation two thousand years ago; IN MYSTERY… the presence of Christ coming into our lives at this time and place; and IN MAJESTY… at the end of time!

This is a season for refocusing, for setting new directions. This is a graced opportunity, an opportunity which will be missed if we let tasks and holiday activities sweep us away in a whirlwind of business. Make time for Advent!